While I can be a glutton for punishment, verifying Javascript arrays can be more than I want to deal with. If you print an array:
<script type="text/javascript">
var testarray = new Array(
new Array(1, 2, 3, new Array(4, 5)),
new Array(6, 7, 8, new Array(9, 10)),
new Array(1, 2)
This creates a popup that says “1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2.” In order to test for items in the sub-arrays, the quick and dirty method would involve typing commands into the browser’s address bar:
This would pop up with “1,2,3,4,5.” Firebug can help significantly with its DOM tab and JavaScript console. Still, I have found myself wanting a function similar to PHP’s print_r() while changing global arrays in functions. Here is my little hack:
Array.prototype.pretty = function(spacer, prefix) {
var first = true, afterarray = false, type, ret = '', x;
if (spacer == undefined) {
spacer = '';
if (prefix == undefined) {
prefix = '';
} else {
prefix += ' => ';
ret += spacer+prefix+'Array(';
for (x in this) {
// Don't show this function prototype... or any others.
type = typeof(ret[x]);
if ((type != 'string') && (type != 'number') && (type != 'boolean')) {
// Don't place commas before the first item.
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
// If we are following an array with an array, don't add a newline
if (this[x] instanceof Array) {
afterarray = false;
// Place a newline after child arrays
ret += ','+(afterarray ? "\n" : ' ');
afterarray = false;
// Call ourselves recursively when an array is encountered.
if (this[x] instanceof Array) {
ret += "\n"+this[x].pretty(spacer+' ', x);
afterarray = true;
} else {
ret += this[x];
// Close arrays
ret += (afterarray ? "\n"+spacer : '')+')';
return ret;
Now you can use:
<script type="text/javascript">
var testarray = new Array(
new Array(1, 2, 3, new Array(4, 5)),
new Array(6, 7, 8, new Array(9, 10)),
new Array(1, 2)
Which will create:
0 => Array(1, 2, 3,
3 => Array(4, 5)
1 => Array(6, 7, 8,
3 => Array(9, 10)
2 => Array(1, 2)
Arrays will be indented to an infinite depth so that more than three levels can be displayed. I specifically needed this for a situation that involved three-dimensional arrays.
Drawback: If you are using for (var x in testarray)
, this function prototype will appear as one of the x
items. You will either have to convert this to a standard function or check the datatype of x
Happy debugging.