Things have been quiet here for the past two weeks for a couple reasons. The first is that I’ve been trying to meet a few deadlines and the second is that I’ve been pushing my mental and social abilities to their limits for the last couple months. I am feeling the strain a little, so I need to take a few days to recover.
Unfortunately that does not mean that I’m gone completely. Today an e-mail newsletter came from the West African Theological Seminary (WATS) that had this to say:
Leonard Ravenhill was born in England and spent the last thirty-five years of his life in the US. He was an avid student of revivals and a constant gadfly for the modern church-continually prodding her forward with his terse and often stinging admonitions. _Why Revival Tarries_ remains his most widely-read book. A. W. Tozer, a close friend, said "To such men as this, the church owes a debt too heavy to pay. The curious thing is that she seldom tries to pay him while he lives. Rather, the next generation builds his sepulcher and writes his biography-as if instinctively and awkwardly to discharge an obligation the previous generation to a large extent ignored."
(You can read more of the quote here if you wish.)
Those words of Tozer hit the nail right on the head. The next generation tries to do awkwardly what their parents and grandparents should have done.
Friends, this is where our country is at in more than just spiritual matters. Those things that pertain to God will cut us the most deeply though. Please do what needs to be done so that your children will have no reason to be ashamed of your work. Romans 13:7-8:
Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour. Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.